How a Muslimah DIVA overcame Low Self Esteem.


Muslima Diva - Maiyaki Chemie Fatie overcame Self Esteem Issues

At some point in our lives, we might have had situations that has put us into utter shame and embarrassment. These situations have either made us or mar us. The totality of these eventualities often formulate most of our sense of judgement. Here is a story of an Aspiring female blogger, Maiyeki Chemie Fatie, telling us how she overcame Low Self Esteem.

 "It's actually a long story but a true story about me...anybody that knows me back then would know how quiet I was...I have a low self esteem...I hate readings I don't like sch and that's the more reason people think am a dull student...ask any of my sec sch classmate and they gonna tell you Fati o mowe rara😂😂😂Lolz..not that any of you is better but I just have a low self esteem...that was the problem...On this day I got home and my Father checked my result and he was like Shey Afise nii fun didn't have up to 50% again????its obvious you really wanna drop out of sch or probably am never gonna waste my money on you again I think you gonna attend college of Education and not first I was calm like so wetin if I no go sch shey I no go make am nii and I came back to my right senses like Omo so you will be the only illiterate person in the family and I started thinking about how life would be so uncomfortable for me...I sat myself down asked this question Fatty are you really Dull???and the instinct inside me start telling me no!!!No!!!No!!!you're not dull you just have a low self esteem work on that first then you gonna see how rosy life would become for you..Fast forward to when I got to SS 2 I worked on myself and it was the best of my results SS2 was so rosy for me cuz that was the first time I would have a plain result without no F9😂😂😂...

I was on top of the world I started talking lil by lil and of course I started answering questions in the class lil by lil became more interesting,sch became really fun for me and father was happy and the improvement was great and superb...I might not be brilliant but Walahi I am very intelligent😜😜😜..

Ok we finished sec sch and I had a great results....I just wanna thank all of you people that mocked me while in sec sch and my seat mate then that used to cover book for me,and I want to remind you that even with your knowledge and all we still entered Uni same year😂😂😂😂.!!!i actually have more to say but lemme just leave the story for another day🙌🙌...I think my seat mate is not here but if any of you help me see her just help me ask this question with the cover cover she dey do that time is she now better than Fatty???😜😃"

There you have it. Trust you have learnt something.

Maiyaki Chemie Fatie is an Aspiring Blogger, Wife, Excellent Cook, Political Analyst and Socialite.

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DejiKing Concepts Enterprises: How a Muslimah DIVA overcame Low Self Esteem.
How a Muslimah DIVA overcame Low Self Esteem.
DejiKing Concepts Enterprises
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