Shocking Truth about Albinos you'll be amazed to know.


An Albino has taken to Facebook to educate the general populace about cause of albinism. Many would find this amazingly interesting because of the manner at which Kelvin (An albino) has explained. Below is what he has written



My name is Kelvin and I'm an ALBINO. What this means is that I possess the features of a black guy but have the appearance of a white person...
(I feel like God was literally giving racism the middle finger when he created us).

Now there's  a lot of myth that surrounds Albinism (my condition), some of them totally ridiculous...but let me break it down for you.

First of all, what I have is genetic, that is to say it is in the family.

Secondly, albinism is caused by a total or partial lack of genes that produce and distribute MELANIN. So basically, the only thing that differentiates  us from you guys  is that while you have excess of this Melanin thing, we got very little of it..or probably none at all (personally I think it's the latter for me, I'm so white sometimes it scares

Now this melanin thing, it really messed up alot for us, take our sight for instance, don't get me wrong, we are not blind, far from it...but if you see someone like me behind the wheels, you should have cause to worry...That is not to say Albinos aren't capable of driving, I know a couple of them, myself included that do so very well.
(We are basically short sighted..a lot of you  are too, it's not a big deal)

I can't stay out in the sun for too long...and if I must, I have to wear sun protection or else know , skin cancer... we are prone to that stuff....That pretty much explains the dark shades, hoddies and face caps...which is pretty dope if you ask me.
(Holy shit!  It just hit me, we probably inspired the whole vampire genre  in

I'm not going to lie, for people like us,  it's not easy to grow  up in a society like this...Most people just don't get it.

Personally I've had to fight alot of battles, some of them drove me into depression. On some level I'm still fighting but things like acceptance and fitting in and low self esteem and  finding someone who would love and accept me for who I am, those I've conquered. However, Its not the same for others.... For some, it gets really tough and not everyone is fortunate to have the type of support system (family and friends)  that I have.

So I urge you, when next you encounter someone like me, please do not make fun of them, especially the young ones, those derogatory names like Oyinbo Pepper and Afin, it sticks and the damage it does is beyond your comprehension, trust me... You don't even have to talk to us, we've never asked for preferencial treatement... there's really nothing we can't do.....Just don't make life any more difficult for us than it already is. Thank you!

Oh and watch out for my short film REMEDIUM, where I will be exploring Albinism from a very unique perspective....It should be out before the end of the year.... That's if we manage to get the funding we need... Apparently, you can't do anything without money around here.

#June13 #AlbinisimAwarenessDay #PaleAndProud #ImReallyGoodwithHashtags



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DejiKing Concepts Enterprises: Shocking Truth about Albinos you'll be amazed to know.
Shocking Truth about Albinos you'll be amazed to know.
DejiKing Concepts Enterprises
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