Entry Closes 23rd July, 2017
Music Video project is part of the “Value Explore” mission by ObjecTV Media and partners including 214 Global, Ooze Entertainment, Derjimannaire King Entertainment and other platforms.
We invite artists to present their best single track requiring a video but that cannot be afforded by the artists. This is open to all artists in, or from Sango Ota only, to encourage them to shoot videos for their songs.
A voting will take place online for a period of one week, where the five (10) highest voted tracks online upon closing of the voting will be shortlisted and five (5) members will be screened based on other track features, subsequently.

How to Enter:
Send your favorite single (only one) alongside an attached track-graphic to email: valueexplore100@gmail.com . Include in the email; artist name, song title, genre of song, location in Sango or Ota where you’re known as an artist (full address NOT compulsory), phone number and Instagram ID. It is on your Instagram page that your followers will vote for you when voting commences, so you should have and include your Instagram ID.
This entry closes 12pm on Sunday, July 23rd.
Upon acknowledgment of your email and approval notice on Sunday 23rd July, you will be directed how to upload the song on your Instagram page for voting to commence. Wait for acknowledgement email before you upload for voting, otherwise you will not have the necessary tagging instructions that will be used to identify you as a contestant.
Share this and tag Sango/Ota artists that you know so it can get all the relevant audiences. This is about getting your fans to show they love your song and would love to see a video of it. Put their love to use here by making them simply vote for you online.
Thank you.
Team ValueExplorers.