Don't start searching google for MADDINTONFUN AVENUE because you will never find. Maddintonfun Avenue is simply a form of our expression of the level of excitement and fun that was had.
She further says "I am speechless at the amount of love shown to me yesterday, I can't still contain the happiness even as at yesterday when it was world happiness day and palm Sunday, I am indeed grateful to you all... Thanks to everyone, una too much... I appreciate"
What I have to say - Aderibigbe Adedeji David.
Some people know me for my stylish way of expressing myself while
many others have no clue to this. However, in all, I am known for my
blunt, straight on point, truthful truth that I speak always.
Today, unlike other Sundays gone in 2016 is indeed a special one. Yes; special because it's Palm Sunday which every Christian should know about and another because ... .
In all curiousness, I had over prepared and consumed all consumables before remembering I hadn't washed my mouth or should I say brushed my tooth. Well, no big deal, it's all about the daily dental hygiene which I later did.
Out of the edibles were some specially prepared Salad, Ofada Rice and
many more... 'I can't mention Jollof Rice here because at some point it
was tug of war and it is clearly visible that there is still controversy
between Nigerian Jollof Rice and Ghanian Jollof Rice. Thank goodness
for Fried Rice which came to rescue. I will leave the remaining matter
for another day.'
I know you'll be thinking I love food, right?
Okay. Yes! I love food and whoever that doesn't should come out now or forever remain silent. Oh! o... So you like food too. The point is, apart from the fact that I was graciously honored with the above listed dishes on a buffet platinum level, it boils down to another fact that I am so blessed having to happen to know a unique, courageous, powerful, inspirational and Unshakable lady of vigor who hits the bulls eye in what she does.
Many of whom she is known to as being a Compere and a crowd pleaser in any form of event, Big or Small. She is no other person than Oluti Adenike 'unshakable' who we call MC Unshakable.
You may be wondering why this hype. When something is good, let's say and proclaim it.
And I think leaguing on this trend isn't a bad idea. Not only because she's good, but because she's just few months older than I am and I am left with no choice than to call her 'Aunty Nike', to my Nigerian folks who understands what I mean, you know it's not easy to have younger ones. In the same vein, I say Happy birthday to you even as you add a year plus today.
Nevertheless, I hereby state that I remain older than 'Aunty Nike' based on the virtue of Adam whom God created first. And also by the unique power of 1 compared to O, for the adults who understands the riddle.
Ultimately, it can't be overemphasized that Adenike is indeed a blessing to our generation and generations to come.
At this Juncture, I would like to say more power to your elbow, more speed to your running dog (Aja Nike 1,gbera), and unquenchable flowing oil to your engine.
I am happy to celebrate you, Adenike Oluti, MC Unshakable today along side Adetoye Oluwasegun Daniel , Esther Temiloluwa Oyelakin Okoniha , Omogoroye Aramide Omolara , Busola Olaleye and everyone present today to felicitate with you.
My day was made.
Thank you.
I know you'll be thinking I love food, right?
Okay. Yes! I love food and whoever that doesn't should come out now or forever remain silent. Oh! o... So you like food too. The point is, apart from the fact that I was graciously honored with the above listed dishes on a buffet platinum level, it boils down to another fact that I am so blessed having to happen to know a unique, courageous, powerful, inspirational and Unshakable lady of vigor who hits the bulls eye in what she does.
Many of whom she is known to as being a Compere and a crowd pleaser in any form of event, Big or Small. She is no other person than Oluti Adenike 'unshakable' who we call MC Unshakable.
You may be wondering why this hype. When something is good, let's say and proclaim it.
MC Unshakable (08100550132) is good.
And I think leaguing on this trend isn't a bad idea. Not only because she's good, but because she's just few months older than I am and I am left with no choice than to call her 'Aunty Nike', to my Nigerian folks who understands what I mean, you know it's not easy to have younger ones. In the same vein, I say Happy birthday to you even as you add a year plus today.
Nevertheless, I hereby state that I remain older than 'Aunty Nike' based on the virtue of Adam whom God created first. And also by the unique power of 1 compared to O, for the adults who understands the riddle.
Ultimately, it can't be overemphasized that Adenike is indeed a blessing to our generation and generations to come.
At this Juncture, I would like to say more power to your elbow, more speed to your running dog (Aja Nike 1,gbera), and unquenchable flowing oil to your engine.
I am happy to celebrate you, Adenike Oluti, MC Unshakable today along side Adetoye Oluwasegun Daniel , Esther Temiloluwa Oyelakin Okoniha , Omogoroye Aramide Omolara , Busola Olaleye and everyone present today to felicitate with you.
My day was made.
Thank you.